

In progress

Technologies / Languages

  • Pyton


The plan is it to build a dog-robot with my Ressbary Pi 3b+.
I would like to design and print the housing of the dog myself with a 3D printer, The used board should be the Raspberry Pi 3b+, For the eyes and the tool to measure distance from the approaching object, the Pi NoIR Camera V2 will be used. For the joints, 28BYJ-48 stepper motor are planned and for rear viewing, the HC-SR04 ultrasonic sensor.

The dog shall run independently and avoid objects it approaches. It recognizes human face with its camera and will move towards them.

The components are now available, but I still lack the time to start the project properly. :-(

Key features

  • Distance measurement to objects
  • Face recognition
  • Going with legs


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See also